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The Power of Placebo Effect

When something unexpected happens, it is called a miracle! Why and how these miracles happen?

This article explains about the placebo effect. Why does this happen? What benefits can we get from the placebo effect?

Placebo medicine is stronger than the actual one

‘Man’ has discovered and invented new things in different phases of human evolution. The universe still has so much in reserve for us to explore. Though our brain is a vital organ in our own body, we still have not explored its periphery. 

The Human brain:

The scientists and medical doctors state that the human brain is the most powerful yet the most mysterious one. The brain works all the time, 24/7 and controls all the activities that are performed subconsciously and consciously.

That is why the brain is capable of producing as well as controlling the feelings, beliefs, emotions. We may think that the brain's main function is just to control the body's functions. But, scientific studies tell that the brain is capable of curing many diseases without the actual medical help. This is named as the Placebo effect.

What is Placebo?

Placebo is derived from Latin which means “I shall be acceptable or pleased”. In the modern days, ‘placebo’ is being used in the sense of therapeutic or healing effect medically or psychologically.

Sometimes medically, they refer to placebo as a fake treatment. Because, the doctors treat the patients with pills that have zero effect on the disease. In other words, even though the patients are treated with the simple sugar pills, these pills shall show the expected effect on the patient because of the patient’s belief that the medicine will cure the disease.

We can relate the placebo treatment to the ‘amulets’ that people use as a sign of good luck charm or protection against negative energy or evil possession.

  • Power of faith:

A strong faith in something gives a psychological strength. That is the reason, the recovery is better when the patient believes in the doctor and the treatment.

The nature of thoughts one generates affect the body in the same way.

  • Psychological and Physical Experience:

Placebo effect is mainly used to treat the patients who are suffering from depression. There are even some cases where the patients get cured from diseases through fake surgeries.

In short, sickness in a person can be cured in a combination of both physical and psychological factors. More examples could be - patient's preference to branded/ costly medicines, particular hospital, specific doctor etc... 

  • Working of Placebo:

This miraculous effect is still under research because of its complexity. One thing that certainly tops the list is hormone responses.

During the placebo treatment, it is observed that the body produces a hormone called Endorphin. This is produced by the nervous system and is often called “feel-good” chemicals because they can act as a pain reliever and happiness booster.

  • Magic of Brain:

Here are some interesting facts about the brain's function while the placebo treatment. Researchers have presented their study after analyzing the effects of treating the disease using the placebo effect V/S the actual drug that works actually on the physical organs.

When the patient is treated using the placebo effect, it is noticed that the brain skipped some analysis processes to get to the conclusion. 

  • Human connection:

Like we mentioned before, the factors like: warmth, empathy, positive interaction, sharing positive expectations will indeed critically affect the clinical outcome.

Some more interesting facts:

😀 People who believe that they are healthy and strong are leading a long and happy life.

💭Positive thoughts have positive effects on one’s health and fitness.

👉👈Law of attraction helps largely in the placebo effect - Human body by default has self-healing power to an extent. One can increase this my filling the brain with more positive thoughts.


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