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Strategy V/s Tactics - What is important?

Strategy & Tactics - The best contribution to success

Have you ever been in a situation to answer a question with a ‘pause’? Have you ever tried to find WHY? This article can give you estimations and predictions to your thoughts.

Let’s go ahead and find what exactly those pauses mean and find what are the real answers to your pauses.

Strategy V/S Tactics:

Strategy means planning that we do to achieve our goals. On the other hand, Tactics are the specific actions and steps that we take to accomplish the goals.

Stronger the strategy, firmer the tactics. Changing strategies is like changing your path to your destination. It may work or may create mess if the tactics do not gel well with the changed strategies.

So, a perfect alignment of should be the top priority to reaching one’s goal.

Strategy makes path clear to reach the goal:

Having good strategies helps you see clear goals. It makes it easy to align your efforts meaningfully.

Strategizing is more important in case of shared goals among people. If the shared goal itself is the strategy, one must have more focus on how to make it strong and stable enough. 💥💪

How to calibrate a strategy:

Unfortunately, there are hardly any ways to calibrate or measure the efficiency of a strategy. May it be short-term or long-term, it must be paired with a variety  tactics to be executed well.

Use tactics to focus on your strategies:

With good tactics it is possible for quick wins. It is important to track the results to ensure a better visibility and flexibility while execution.

But, solely focusing on the tactics lacks the bigger picture because it may concentrate just on the unstable and brief terms. This will create unwanted distress and anguish. This creates situations that are unsure about the outcome and makes it hard to analyse the results.

What if Strategy or Tactic Is Left Out:

Think of a project that you are doing which has two very big tasks and eight simple tasks. You have one week to complete. To avoid the last minute frustrations, you strategy should be able to execute would be completing those simple eight tasks that gives you a better understanding of the project and at the same time gives you confidence of finishing the project on time. Here the tactics is to understand the project format and to be able to divide the big project into sensible parts of execution.

If you had no strategy, you would blindly start the project without an idea of how to approach it. If you miss the tactics, you spend your time and efforts on the wrong parts. So, either ways you would not succeed in your project.

Optimize Strategy - Tactics:

Strategy in combination with tactics allows you to have long-term focus towards the successful execution.

So, An optimal approach is needed to reach your goals. Calculatively spend your efforts and time locating the high-value groups. For this, understanding the purpose is the core. Frame around it by scheduling components. 

Stay balanced rather than being overwhelmed about just with one thing.

💝💝 .. Please share your thoughts about utilizing the best strategies and tactics in your life and specifically to achieve goals via your comments... 💝💝



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