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Smart ways to deal with toxic people

Make your mind strong enough that toxicity can't enter your mind.


Health specialists say that dealing with toxicity can be a potential cause for chronic diseases. But, is it possible to remove toxicity completely?

In a way to completely remove negativity means, you are moving yourself away from the society. Because it is an integral part of our life and smart ways are needed to deal with those toxic people.
Angry emotion
Not all the days are pleasant - Meaning, it is not always possible to escape form the bad situations that occur during a day. In such situations, it is a natural tendency of the human mind to flush it off in the form of emotions which could be experienced by others as negativity aka., toxicity.

Now, how to smartly deal with it?

It is clear by now, that toxicity is a form of a negative emotion that is perceived either externally or by our own selves. By following these smart practices, we can overcome toxicity in our day-to-day situations.

1.    Don't encourage - Limit your availability: 

Having clear thoughts and a strong belief system helps in staying away from the negative situations. It helps to have a stronger mind that no negativity can affect.
Rather, focus on your own goals and stay determined about self-development.

A group of friends chatting

Surround yourself with happy people who inspire you and keep mind and soul strong. They help you to realize your potential and thus, you can improve your efficiency in any such situations

2.    Practice saying NO:

Complainers and gossipers like to spread negativity about others. Spending time with them will make you adopt those habits. So, make a habit of saying NO for the very first time.

For example - If you are a non-smoker, it would be your general tendency to get out of the place. Similarly, just walk away when you sense the smoke of negativity.

say NO

It is sometimes not possible to avoid people and situations that you are not comfortable with. In such cases, just show them the utmost compassion and explain to them about their behavior.

Being sympathetic with your best buddy and knowing their tough times is the best thing to do to understand if they are genuinely distressed or depressed. It also helps to maintain those strong relationships.

3.    Use your emotional intelligence:

It is very easy to be pulled into the negative zone via unnecessary discussions and arguments, use your emotional intelligence to break the pull.

Emotional Intelligence

By escaping the situation, you not only save time, but also your relations. This way, you can brand yourself as a NO NONSENSE PERSON with best people management abilities.

Finally...., Do good!

The best way to gain self-respect is by doing good to others and for yourself. It also gives you a great sense of confidence.
Such simple things help you to retain that sense of satisfaction and the good vibes for a longer time. Cherishing such memories makes you proud about yourself .

Simple ways to learn and incorporate these smart ways

😎 Attend social events/ meetups. Social meetups are the best places to share your thoughts and connect with a best companion.

🙋 Volunteer in an NGO of your choice that suits your goal and personality

🙌 Identify a right mentor who can relate to your ideology and helps you to execute the things.

Now, the floor is all yours ...

Suggest more ways that you adopt to cope with negativity. What are your experiences with dealing with toxicity? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.


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