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Five brain secrets that will amaze you

 Five brain secrets that will amaze you

Why does our mind think about the negative first? Because, our brain is made to protect us. So, it always warns us beforehand in the form of thoughts about what might happen subsequently.

Let’s go ahead and see what makes our mind different from our brain.

Mind can manage the immutable:

A clear and willing mind activity can even change our brain function. Here is an example - have you ever seen a person who quit smoking after he is strictly advised by the doctor after a serious health attack? 

Yes, this is how the mind works against our brain. A strong and clear willingness can make a person learn or quit any habit. 

how to defeat brain with mind

So, the things that you were afraid of doing become a piece of cake for you when you once solve it.

How is the mind a differentiator?

Brain is a physical organ in our body. Mind is a conscious product of those thoughts that are generated by firing neurons. So, the way one controls his thoughts is the key to know how the brain is controlled by our mind.

mind is a differentiator

So, making our minds occupied and curious to achieve that good domination of mind over the brain which in turn helps to come out those brain warnings that we already discussed in the beginning.

Mind cannot differentiate between reality and imagination:

You might have heard about the subconscious mind which controls the major part of the conscious mind. This subconscious mind does not know what is imagination and what is real. It believes only the things that have the largest impact and strength.

imagination vs reality

A recent study about a cancer survivor has proven that his strong thoughts to fight against cancer have cured the disease. Isn’t it wonderful!

Mind cannot decide what is best:

Our mind is our loyal friend. It always gives you an option that is safe for us. Is the safest option the best? It is upon us to train our mind to make better decisions by shifting from safest to best options.

fight or flight

In other words, help the mind to choose between FIGHT or FLIGHT. That is, whether to face the situation or avoid the situation.

This is why human mind is negative biased:

Let’s slightly connect back with the previous point. Our mind always wants us to be in a safer space rather than in the best space. 

To generate those alarming refluxes are generated by taking the feed from the negative happenings. So, the human mind is actually negatively biased.


The only way to overcome this is by giving the mind tons and tons of positivity. Strong visual thinking about achievements and executions can make a deeper impact to create positive thoughts with a greater intensity.

Have you got anything that you would want to change for a long time and strongly want to overcome? Then try these techniques. Simple and persistent efforts can make wonders with our minds.


Please let us know what techniques worked for you to trick your mind to solve your challenges. Share in the comments.


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